Thursday, OCTOBER 29: 6pm
PHONE: (310) 326-4500

Bill Dedes has been kind enough to offer his studio for our meeting - don't miss it!

Spotlight - Freelance Tips - Use this time to build your business
Social Networking -
Tips on how to use social networking effectively
Using social networking for charities
The State of our Industy - Recent feedback on the importance of meeting
Green Report - International Day of Climate Action

Remember to click each title for the entire article

Monday, May 4, 2009


Would you be interested in a meeting where we can all meet face to face and network?

There wasn't a ton of response but it was an overwhelming "yes" for those who did respond.  If anyone has ideas of where and when to meet, please respond below.  Maybe sometime in June in the LA area.  Provide comments below.


Last posting featured this insurance company.  I heard from a few people who are using it and I contact the company directly.  The feedback has been very positive.  See comments and additional info below:

In California we offer dental, life, and disability insurance as well as retirement.  Because we are not able to offer health insurance outside of the state of New York, we do suggest Golden Rule through United Health Care.  There is information about all of these plans including prices and summary of benefits pdfs on our website.

United Health Care's Golden Rule Insurance Company
Sales: 877.468.0966
Billing and Customer Service: 800.657.8205

NOTE FROM MEG: I saw an ad on OCTD bus today for Freelancer's Union so I expect there will be more coverage available in CA.

From Elisa Kuhar in NYC:
Saw your note about the Freelancers' Union.  I'm actually a member and have received my health insurance through them for the past few years.  Overall, I've found that it's a good organization with online resources and monthly gatherings for its members.  They also offer discounts for a variety of organizations and job postings.  The health insurance application process is fairly straight forward and easy to complete.  The rates are competitive, although there was an increase from 2008 to 2009 with some increases in the copays, etc.  Freelancers' does offer a variety of health insurance and dental (and life/ disability) insurance so there's a wide range of options.  I believe some of the insurance options are for those outside or NY as well.  Freelancers' also recently started a 401k plan.  I've been generally happy with the organization. 

Freelancers Union is a nonprofit organization that represents the needs of America’s independent workforce though advocacy, information, and service.

Independent workers make up 30% of the nation’s workforce. We are freelancers, consultants, independent contractors, temps, part-timers, contingent employees, and the self-employed. Despite our contribution to America’s economy, we’re often left out of the social safety net. Most freelancers can’t access affordable insurance, are taxed more than traditional employees, and have limited access to protections such as unemployment insurance, retirement plans, and unpaid wage claims.

click on title to view website

Mayor details idea of freelancers’ benefits

March 23, 2009 3:18 PM

Mayor Michael Bloomberg wants the U.S. to develop a federal unemployment fund for independent workers pinched by the economic downturn



I’ve featured several articles on change.  Change can be good.  Often, we come through a tough time in a better spot because we took a chance, reinvented ourselves, took the time we never had before to pursue a dream.  

Last blog I featured my friend Joe who is doing his part to protect our environment.  This week I highlight another friend who has taken his love of golf to pursue an idea…

Good luck to you Brian!

Brian Allman, freelance producer and filmmaker


Yeah it always starts with an idea. The funny thing about an idea is that unless you act on it, it won't do you or anyone any good. So here we are. A new David amongst an Army of Goliaths. People ask us all the time. "Are you ready to take on the big boys?" Our answer is simple. "We do have some intelligence. We're not trying to beat the big guys, we're just offering something different. After all, not everyone wants to play with their daddy's clubs."

We were founded on the principles of live, work and play. Our passion isn’t just our game but rather the innate sense to create, innovate and design products to satisfy our customers. We strive to be left of center in bringing products to market that are not more of the same. We engineer and manufacture our product line for performance and design them to blur the line between SPORT and ART.

 We strive to be good corporate citizens in finding ways to give back what we can in a fair and equitable manner. We believe in CAUSES and CURES and the smell of fresh dew on the fairways at dawn. We believe it’s okay to be different and will nurture the gaps in between. Our battle cry is our philosophy.

 Go Ahead. Be Different.

Coming up soon for Mother’s Day

 Win a Sweet Spot Golf Putter for yourself or your Mom for Mother's Day!

Mother's Day is not only about giving gifts -- it's about getting gifts, too. Are you a mom? Do you love to golf? Or - do you have a mom who's a golfer? Tell us why you or your mom deserves a new putter for Mother's Day and you could win one of two pink putters (retail value $149 each) courtesy of Sweet Spot Golf.

Every time someone buys a pink putter from Sweet Spot Golf we all give back together.




My iPhone Just Found Me a Job! has an intersting story about rmbrME releasing their newest app for the iPhone - beamME CV. A new application to beam your resume to other smart phones and computers. You finally could be getting some payback for your expensive toy!
rmbrME has released beamME CV 1.0, a new application for the iPhone. It normally costs $10, but the unemployed and beamME pro owners can get it for $7 instead.
BeamME CV is designed to people networking for jobs. It helps you distribute resumes, cover letters and electronic contact cards to prospective employers — no special software is needed to retrieve your package.


8 Ways to Build your Freelance Brand in a Down Economy

Let’s face it, times are tight. Common sense would say that in these economic times freelance work is going to be even harder to come by. If you’re a freelancer, maybe you’ve experienced the effects of a tightening wallet and a less-than-full inbox.

There has been plenty of discussion recently about how to find work in the current economy - some points are valid, others aren’t. I’m not going to rehash what’s been said many times over, but rather I’d like to give a couple of quick tips related to your brand, and how to manage your brand strategy as a freelancer in these conditions.

Because you see, even in times like these, not only is it possible to build your brand, but it’s absolutely essential that you do. The last thing you want to do is stop your branding efforts when times get rough. Your efforts may change, but they shouldn’t wane. Because the economy will rebound, and the question asked of you at that point won’t be how you survived, but rather how you positioned yourself during the downturn?
10 Quotes that can Change Your Mindset in Your Business

1. The greatest ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about.
 2. What happens to you is not nearly as important as how you handle it.
 3. Failure is an opportunity to begin again with insight.
 4. How do you contact strangers?  You don’t.  You make them friends first.
 5. When you give a presentation, keep your mind on what you can convey rather than on what you can get out of it.
6. Those who solve the problems make the biggest bucks.
7. What you are driving is not important.  What is important is what is driving you.
8. Ninety five percent of acheiving anything is knowing what you want and paying the price to get it.
9. As long as your going to think anyway, think big.
10. The secret to success is to do the common things uncommonly well.



I want you to get mad!    I don’t want you to protest. I don’t want you to riot. I don’t want you to write to your Congressman, because I wouldn’t know what to tell you to write. I don’t know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street.

All I know is that first, you’ve got to get mad.

You’ve gotta say, “I’m a human being, goddammit! My life has value!”

So, I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window, open it, and stick your head out and yell,

“I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!!”

Actually, none of us should have to.  One of the great tragedies of today is the army of extremely qualified people our there who have no job, and are therefore unable to contribute to society.  That is why we have to rise up and say that we’re not going to take it anymore.

So…The Hard News Times.  We do find ourselves in hard times.  One of the goals of this newsletter is to change its name as soon as possible to the The Good News Times.  Our goal is to provide you with news, job search tips, career counseling, help with stretching you food budget, advice on stress relief, and help with taking the talents you’ve developed over your career and packaging them in new and profitable ways.


U.S. Travel Launches 

National “Rally Day”

 to Raise Industry Awareness                      

On May 12, the U.S. Travel Association will stage the first-ever U.S. Travel Rally Day to promote travel and meetings in communities across the country. Convention and visitors bureaus, local governments, and business leaders are invited to take part by organizing a community rally. The nationwide event will take place during the 26th Annual National Travel and Tourism Week, which is intended to promote travel and tourism through locally sponsored events in various communities across the country.