Thursday, OCTOBER 29: 6pm
PHONE: (310) 326-4500

Bill Dedes has been kind enough to offer his studio for our meeting - don't miss it!

Spotlight - Freelance Tips - Use this time to build your business
Social Networking -
Tips on how to use social networking effectively
Using social networking for charities
The State of our Industy - Recent feedback on the importance of meeting
Green Report - International Day of Climate Action

Remember to click each title for the entire article

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Meeting Update

Event Industry Leaders Meet with President Obama last week - A big thanks to those who supported us!

Dear Travel Colleague:
Our efforts to increase our voice in Washington paid dividends today when one dozen CEOs from leading travel businesses met with President Obama to discuss ways to increase travel to and within the United States. To learn more about our meeting with the President, please read
 our statementbelow.
We owe a great deal of thanks to the CEOs who took time to convene in Washington. In addition to meeting with President Obama, the CEOs held meetings with senior Congressional leaders, including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd.
Given the enthusiasm and support of the group, I anticipate this is only the beginning of what will be regular CEO leadership meetings to help strengthen our industry. I will keep you informed with future developments.

Roger Dow
President and CEO
U.S. Travel Associatio

Go to this url to read more and see the final TARP legislation

Read on... we can affect change - it IS working!

Dear Friends,
We have big news to report, and even though it appears to be only about the US, if you read on you will understand why it is so important.  I am thrilled to let you know that yesterday President Barack Obama and key US senators met with our industry leaders.  Two topics were discussed- attracting more international visitors and our community’s concern about the dramatic nationwide downturn in meetings and events. We are confident that President Obama understands the economic impact and jobs connected to our industry and that we will see some noteworthy comments in the days ahead.

As you can imagine this was a critical meeting and will help us tremendously as we continue to raise awareness about the value of motivational events. My goal is to keep you informed with news and tools so that you can navigate these challenging times. Please be sure to chec
k our website as we update it daily.

Harnessing the power of the collective has been the key to creating opportunities that are making a difference. Thanks for your continued diligence in working as a community to affect change. It is working!

Andrea Michaels, President of Extraordinary Events in LA sends a powerful letter to the LA Times - watch out for the letters from the ladies!
March 10, 2009
A letter to our Government:
Our country was founded on the principle of meetings that mattered. Without a meeting of our forefathers there would have been no Declaration of Independence and thus no United States of America. Nor would we have a Constitution or Bill of Rights without the meetings held to draft these documents. Our House of Representatives functions because they meet. Our Senate functions because they meet. Our Supreme Court meets as do the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
For 30 years I have planned meetings and events. I have launched products which later sold and provided revenue and subsequent jobs for thousands. I have produced charitable events which provided funds for those in desperate need. I have created programs that brought business solutions to corporate challenges such as how to build a team out of two merging companies with different corporate cultures. And as a result built an entire school that benefited a community of thousands and will for many years to come. Why is any of this considered frivolous or unnecessary?
How does our government then have the right to deny corporate America the right to convene, educate, enlighten and elevate as well as personally communicate? Our inauguration was publicized as costing 150 million dollars for “parties” yet our world is being told that we can spend no money on celebration. If our governing bodies are setting the standard for what we must all do to economize then why are they exempt from the spending to meet and celebrate? It seems to me that it’s long past the time when they should set the example and “do as I do” and not “do as I say”.
Sincerely yours,
Andrea Michaels
Extraordinary Events

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