Thursday, OCTOBER 29: 6pm
PHONE: (310) 326-4500

Bill Dedes has been kind enough to offer his studio for our meeting - don't miss it!

Spotlight - Freelance Tips - Use this time to build your business
Social Networking -
Tips on how to use social networking effectively
Using social networking for charities
The State of our Industy - Recent feedback on the importance of meeting
Green Report - International Day of Climate Action

Remember to click each title for the entire article

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


This section on my last posting sparked the most controversy to date. There was a lot of feedback from both sides. Below, I'd like to share a couple of quotes/comments which I'm keeping anonymous.

When I took this fulltime position, I have wanted nothing more than to gain the respect from the freelance community, earn favor and have them realize our company is a different place to work. Hopefully allowing us to recruit better talent and have the best of the best working for us. I have wanted the response about our company to be positive, people talk about what a great company it is to work. That is a huge task, because there is no way to make everyone happy, and many just want everything. I had freelancers working for us making an extreme amount, (more than I, and I have 4 departments under me) and yet they were leaving before their job was done, because they had a vacation scheduled and they could not get the event reconciled before they needed to leave. I realize that the majority of the freelancers work extremely hard, and put in exhaustive hours, and should be paid accordingly. I respect the community, and very passionate about it, and want to help be a solution.
Event company - management

I've been told "not asked" to take my 2nd pay cut yet I'm not given any guarantees that when the market picks up, that I'll be restored to my previous salary. It's very scary.
Event company - management

I was asked to work on a proposal on spec with the guarantee that I'd be given the job if awarded to this company. However, after spending 2 back breaking weeks (including weekends) on the proposal, the company decided not to submit. I have to wonder if they were paying us, would they have thought differently about submittlng. I won't do any more "free" work moving forward.
Freelance producer

I'm not willing to reduce my rate on proposals or sold business. However, I will work with the production company to get the job done in less days (not work a full week) as long as it's possible given the scope of work. I still give 110% on the days I work and try to remain flexible. On proposals, I've offered to kick back a large portion of the proposal fee I'm paid, once they are awarded the business and I get the work.
Freelance producer

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