Thursday, OCTOBER 29: 6pm
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Spotlight - Freelance Tips - Use this time to build your business
Social Networking -
Tips on how to use social networking effectively
Using social networking for charities
The State of our Industy - Recent feedback on the importance of meeting
Green Report - International Day of Climate Action

Remember to click each title for the entire article

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Motivating yourself

Thriving in Tough Times
Keeping the Right Things Right in Front of Your Eyes

By Holly G. Green

It is easier to get the right things in front of you if you have taken the time to clarify your destination—where you want to be in a specific timeframe. So do it. Close your eyes and imagine what it will look like when you have gotten to where you want to go. Now write it down. Then consider what big steps you have to take to get there. Write down the big steps organized by time (the next three months, three to nine months, etc.) and use this list to determine how well you are making progress toward your ultimate goals.

"Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Especially as we continue through tough economic times, pause for a few seconds every day and ask yourself: "Of all the things you do today, what will have an impact a year from now? Have I let the things that matter less stop me from doing what matters most?"

Now, more than ever, it is critical to carve out time to focus on the right things. Tough times tend to divert our energies even more than good times. We begin considering more possibilities out of fear, but this is exactly the opposite of what will serve you well! Focus your energies. Make real progress on key activities or initiatives. Deepen your client relationships. Surround yourself visually with what is important. You'll be amazed at how much of the chatter requires none of your attention if you just leave it alone and focus.
Click title to see entire article

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